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Q: How can you increase the acidity if your fish tank naturally?
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How does acidity effect tropical fish?

The acidity of your tank water can kill your fish or make them sick. Before deciding on what fish you want to put in your tank; you should ask your local pet-store what kind of water the fish prefere. Some fish like hard water (high acid) and some fish like really soft water (low acid). Most fish at the pet store will be happy in moderately acidic to soft water. I keep my tank at 7.0 on the pH scale.

If there are more fish in a tank will the speed increase?

In my research when there are more Panda Corys in a tank the activity of the fish is increased. The fish will move in groups when there are multiple fish. The one alone has the average speed extrmely less then the tank with two fish and the tank with three fish.

Will baking soda make the acid go down in your fish tank?

Baking Soda (NaHCO3) can be used in small amounts to increase the buffering capacity of water thereby binding out acidity and raising the pH.Changing the chemistry of your fish tank is the number one mistake for a beginner. If you shock the osmotic balance of the fish by fighting acids and bases in your aquarium your fish will not be healthy. You will usually have best results when your fish become accustomed to the water that you will be using even if it is not an exact match to their natural environment.

How do you keep my baby fish from being eaten?

fish are naturally cannibalistic i would suggest some fake grass that hangs upside down in the fish tank, you can find it at walmart

Will a tank of 100 gallons of water weight the same if a fifty pound fish is added?

No. If the water doesn't overflow, then the addition of the fish will increase the total weight of the tank and its contents by 50 pounds.

What do you have to do to get algee in your fish tank?

Algae occurs naturally in any situation that has the three essentials for algal growth. They are Water, Light, and plant nutrients. If your tank has water and fish in it there will be food available so the only thing that may be needed is sufficient light.

Dolomite to raise pH of water?

It will but it will also add heaps of magnesium too. NaHCO3 aka baking soda or Sodium Bicarbonate is what you should use to reduce acidity and increase alkalinity. Be very carefull. It is very easy to kill a tank full of fish (pH shock) by adjusting its pH by too much.

What can you do to keep two 4-inch long Oscars mentally stimulated?

The Oscar fish naturally stay calm when they are in a pair.keeping more than two Oscars in the same fish tank can cause then to get aggressiveso keep two Oscars at the max in one tank.

Will a tank full of water and a tank filled with water and fish swimming weigh the same on a scale?

That depends on the weight of the fish as compared to the weight of the water their bodies displace. If it's a heavy, dense fish, then the tank with the fish would weigh more. If it's a light, less dense fish, then the tank with water only would weigh more. This assumes that the water displaced has been removed from the tank, right? If you are adding the fish to the water then I think it should increase the weight regardless of the density of your fish. The question then might be, does the fish weigh less when it is swimming than it would on a dry scale?

How do you set up a tank for planaria?

Planaria worms will occur naturally if you have a well balanced/planted tank and continued occupancy by larger species of fish (like Cichlids) that will not eat them because they are too small.

How do you fling the fish out of the tank in Fish with Attitude?

Hold the fish down and throw out of tank

Should you put your fish in a bowl or tank?

it depends on how big it is if it is a goldfish or beta it can be in a bowl.If it is one of those big tiger fish or aqarium fish then put it in a big tank. A fish will grow to the size of the tank or bowl. For instance, say a goldfish is in a tank, it will not grow as big as the tank; however it will grow big enough to be able to swim in their environment. The fish will not overgrow the tank. I had a six inch goldfish in a thirty gallon tank.