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I like to call it 'cutting' them off. They mean nothing to me now. Nothing. If I am able to feel anything towards them its simply disgust or distaste, leaving no pleasurable feeling about them in my mind or in my heart. They are cut off. Cut off to me, my feelings, my love, my caring, all of it. Cut off. This is easier to do if they have done something to you to warrant such feelings, like cheating, lying, disseat, etc. If you are simply looking to let them go because it's what's 'best' then I wish you all the luck with that. The heart and brain will battle that one. I personally prefer it when the heart wins.

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Q: How can you internally emotionally let someone go without actually kicking them out of your life?
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When you hurt someone emotionally, is when you say mean things to them. Or pick on someone with low self-esteem.When hurt someone fiscally is when you abuse them constantly.When you hurt someone emotionally, it would take longer to heal then when you hurt someone fiscally.Hope this helps !!Good Luck

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