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You pretty much cannot. Place numerous feeders out, and this will give the smaller birds a better chance.

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Q: How can you keep the bigger birds from taking over the smaller ones feeders?
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Do bigger birds eat smaller birds?


Why are large birds more vulnerable to powerlines than smaller birds?

Smaller birds can fly through the gaps in power lines and bigger birds get stuck when they try to go through.

Why are woodland birds smaller to ocean birds?

Woodland birds are smaller because they need to hide from the lare predators. Ocean birds are bigger because there are not large land predators they need to hide from near the ocean.

Does different bird feeders effect birds?

Yes there are modified bird feeders for many birds, for example a hummingbird feeder has small holes for their different beaks. There is no bird feeder for all birds.

What birds use bird feeders in the garden?

all birds eat from bird feeders its just getting them there without them being spooked so they will come back

Does a finch feeder need to be isolated from other feeders?

No Finches will gather with other birds at feeders and the feeder can be placed with other species specific feeders.

What is the effect of height above ground on the attraction of birds to a feeder?

Many birds will eat from bird feeders whether they are raised or on the ground. However, placing feeders up high encourages birds that are not ground feeders to eat the seed. It also helps to protect them from predators such as cats and foxes.

What are small grey birds smaller than a sparrow with a lighter underbelly that do not fly up to the feeders but stay on the ground?

These birds are called "Dark Eyed Junco's". I see them in my backyard everyday. They are very curious. they hail to the finch family.

How do you keep sharp-shinned hawk from feeders?

There is only one guarenteed way, short of killing the hawk, which is illegal. Stop feeding the birds for a few days, and the hawk will move on when birds stop coming to the feeders. After a few days, resume filling the feeders.

What kinds of creatures eat fish?

cats-birds-bears-man-bigger fish eat smaller fish

How does the red-winged blackbird behave around others?

Red winged Blackbirds are pretty bossy. They are aggressive in territory protection and will often take over the winter feeders from the smaller birds.

How much does a bird have to eat each day?

There is no set amount of food that all birds must eat in a single day. Bigger birds need more food than smaller birds.