

Best Answer
  • Sprinkle cayenne pepper around the car. It has been known to keep cats away, and you don't even need to sprinkle it on the car, though that might be even more effective. After a few days, the cats should leave and not come back. If they return, try again or move on to another possible remedy.

  • Purchase mothballs and spread them out around your car, including on the car's roof. Alternatively, put the mothballs in a bag and hang them. The scent is strong, so beware. But cats don't like the scent either, and will stay away.
  • Set up an ultrasound pet alarm. An alarm, set off by a motion detector, scares off cats. It costs about $30 and is very easy to set up, even on the roof of a car.
  • Try a CatStop. This product works for up to about 20 feet by emitting a high-pitched sound that humans can't hear. It runs on batteries or electricity.
  • Use a ScatMat, which scares the animals off, teaching them not to go on your car. However, instead of an alarm, it uses static to alarm the cats. Depending on the size of the mat you buy, the ScatMat can cost anywhere from $20 to $420. After the cat learns to stay away, you can put it away until you need it again.
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Q: How can you keep your cats off the car?
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Use a search and they have high dollar static electric mats , or if the cats really tick you off, sneak up on it and whack that cat hard off the car, or if it is a hard top and you are not in a garage, throw a bucket of water from high up on it

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Do you mean to stay off the car, then yes i have the answer! Find something else for them to get on, eg table, washing or even your homework!

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