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In order to kill cattle, you must access the cattle ranch found on the north-eastern area of the creek. It is not possible to kill adult cattle; you'll only be able to kill the calf.

There is only one calf spawn per visit to the ranch. Once you have killed it, it will not respawn until you exit and re-enter the ranch.

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Q: How can you kill cattle on WolfQuest?
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How do you hunt at night on wolfquest?

you cant on wolfquest 1. but you can on wolfquest 2. go to the cattle ranch in slough creek but you can only go to a cattle ranch (on single player) after you have your pups. then you can choose to go to the ranch or not. the descrption on the game will tell you the rest. have fun on wolfquest!

Can you go to the Cattle Ranch in multiplayer in WolfQuest?

No, you can't.

Where is the cattle ranch in wolfquest?

The Cattle Ranch is located slightly north of the creek, on the right-most side of the map.The cattle ranch is marked as number 9, and is available after having pups. It was previously available before, though I think the WolfQuest Team have patched it.php

How do you kill a bear in WolfQuest?

You can not kill a bear in wolfquest. The bears were ment to make the game harder. I suggest not trying to because you will die before it does.

Can you kill the hawk on wolfquest?

Yes and no. You can scare it enough to stay away from you, but not kill it.

What is a Cattle On WolfQuest?

The cattle are the 'cows' in the night mission. Basically, to get to the night mission you go to Slough Creek, follow your compass(It shows a fence to the way where it is), and click "Go there".

How do you get to farm in wolfquest?

The cattle ranch is only available in singleplayer. It is near Aspen, you may follow the fence on the compass to easily get there.

Where is the cattle ranch on wolfquest?

It is near the Aspen den in Slough Creek. You can follow the fence on the compass to go there. Only in Singleplayer.

Where can you download wolfquest cattle ranch?

on go to "Get The Game" In the top right hand corner you will see a button labeled "Download WolfQuest Survival of the Pack!" click that and you should get the Slough Creek version. To get to Cattle ranch you play single player and after you have pups then you can got to the very east and a little north of the river will be a path, once u go down the path itll give you the option of heading to Cattle Ranch. If you go to the ranch then your pups hunger pauses and you are taken to a ranch in the night time. You can kill the baby cows but if you run into an adult cow you are sent outside of the ranch. sorry that i wrote a lot but I hoped it helped!

Will Mercury kill cattle?

Yes. Mercury has the very same effects on cattle as it does on humans, which means that any level or exposure of mercury can and will kill.

Can you kill wolves that are attacking your cattle?


How much is wolfquest?

WolfQuest is absolutely free. You can download it at the WolfQuest website.