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well, first of all, you must cut down in certain foods, such as dairy products and oily foods, such as chips and cheese. SECOND OF ALL, YOU MUST EXERCISE AT LEAST HALF AND HOUR, EVERYDAY. And you should eat at least 3 hours before going to bed. and everyday, before going to bed, eat a green apple (that's the only thing you should eat before going to bed). eat less of sugar and salt, drink skinned milk instead of full fat milk and eat brown wholemeal bread instead of white bread. but i advise you to eat less of these things, as they are very fattening. exercise when ever you can, the most effective exercise in going swimming, as all your body is working. eat less portions of food in your meal. and a tip of eating at meal time is: eat in smaller plates, because if you eat in bigger plates, it looks like your eating small amounts of food, but when you eat in smaller plates, it looks like your eating alot. also when using small plates, when you go for a second serving (if you feel like more), you think you're eating to much, when actually you're eating a normal amount, so you stop yourself. always be active. instead of taking the bus (if you take a bus to work or anywhere else), get out a stop before and walk the rest of the way. remeber be active. Eat LESS and exercise MORE.

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14y ago
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14y ago
  • In my experience with following the Weight Watchers plan (including attending meetings) the only people I have ever seen lose anything near 20 pounds in two months is someone who was severely obese when she came to our group and followed the program to the letter. In approximately a year and a half, she lost 124 pounds - and she's not done yet. I can't think of any really healthy way to lose that much in two months. It's best to lose 1-2 pounds a week - slowly, the right way, so you can maintain your goal weight more easily.

  • It is true that the higher the level of body fat you have, the faster you lose weight when you initially begin losing weight. And as mentioned above, the ideal amount of weight you lose should be 1 - 2 pounds a week. When you lose amounts greater than that, you lose more than body fat; mainly water weight and/or muscle. When the diet ends, you replace the muscle and water almost immediately. The safe and most effective way to lose weight would be to lose 1 - 2 pounds a week. In an 2-month period, no more than 16 pound should be lost. If you reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories each day, you should lose a pound of body fat. Every pound of body fat is equal to 3,500 calories. If you add exercise to the mix, your weight loss would be greater than 1 pound a week. Rather than going on a temporary diet, try changing your lifestyle so the weight won't come back.

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6y ago

Basically, you don't

Two months - let's call it 60 Days. 80/60=1.33

you'd need to lose 1.33 Pounds each day. That's not a realistic or sustainable loss rate.

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12y ago

I'm just a fat kid. But I'll answer it. Ride your bike for about 54 minutes. Run for 55 minutes and jump rope for 34 minutes,if you have a jump rope. Do this every day.

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16y ago

eat less and run up and down stairs

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Q: How can you lose weight in less than 2 months?
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Take in less calories than you burn, to lose weight, and you train for parkour by just doing it.

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Sorry- no magic food or diet will make you lose weight. calories of ANYTHING eaten must be less than calories burned to lose weight.

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Unless you weigh over 300 pounds, that is much too much weight to try and lose in less than two months. Half that weight is more reasonable and much less a health risk.

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You lose body weight.

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There is no "only food". In order to lose weight you need to consume less energy than your body uses.

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If you eat more calories than you use you will potentially gain weight. If you eat less than you use you will potentially lose weight. If you eat the same as you use your weight should remain stable.

Equation to lose weight?

This sounds simple and it really is. Eat less food than your body burns. You will loose weight.

How can you tone and lose weight quickly in less than a week?

Sorry, a week is just not long enough to tone or lose weight using any healthy methods.

How many pounds will you lose if you eat beef?

A calorie is a calorie, no matter what source you get it from. That is, if you consume more calories than you burn, then you will gain weight; if you consume less calories than you burn, then you will lose weight.