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ask someone to watch it for you while you lose weight, sometimes its even better that they just hold onto it for you

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Q: How can you lose weight fast without losing your butt?
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Are fast diets effective to losing weight?

Fast diets can be effective when losing weight. Some people rather get the weight off soon as possible. However losing weight fast maybe hard to maintain keeping the weight off. This is your ultimate goal.

Where online can I find out how I can lose weight fast? can be a valuable resource for losing weight fast and in a healthy manner

Is losing 3 pds in 1 day good?

About a pound a week is as fast as one can safely lose weight without a doctor's supervision.

How can you lose weight really fast without paying money or downloading?

Losing weight can be done at minimal cost. There is no need to pay money or download any apps to assist in losing weight. Just simply combine sensible eating with daily activity and this should help aid in weight loss.

How to grow fast big butt?

Eat Alot. May Increase Breast and Butt size, but unfortuantly, Make you gain weight.

Is losing 4 kilos in 3 weeks fast weight loss?

It is slightly faster than recommended, but yes, it is an acceptably fast weight loss rate.

What are the suggestions for losing weight fast?

I would try one of the fad diets that should only last for a week. You will drop weight fast, but you will not keep it off.

Where can I find more information on losing weight fast?

You can find more information on how to lose weight fast by going online to On this website they have a blog with 101 tips and tricks to lose weight fast and they can tell you the benefits and side effects of it.

What dietary changes do you make to lose weight fast?

Cutting out soda is really good for losing weight (diet soda is not good eather). Eat more fresh and organic foods and not prosesed crap. For losing weight fast you can also try cutting out carbs like pasta, breads ect.

How do you lose weight without losing your mind?

Simple. Stop being lazy and exercise. Don't buy fatty foods like chips, soft drink, fast food ect. As to not losing your mind, tie it up somewhere and it should be there when you come back.

How can I lose weight fast without making my parents suspicious how can I do this I am 15 years old 5 foot 3 and weigh 114 pounds I have tried losing weight before but nothing works?

There is absolutely no reason for you to want to be thinner than you already are??? Why would you want to lose weight?; i am the same height and weight as you are and I am very slender and look good ??? You are fine the weight that you are ..losing more will make you look less attractive

what is the ebst way to lose weight fast?

Losing weight quickly can happen with a combination of intensive exercise and a very restrictive diet. By reducing caloric intact and increasing physical activity fast weight loss is doable.