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Loosen the governor which is a screw behind the front chain cover. Search on YouTube,"How to make a Baja racer mini bike go faster."

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Q: How can you make a baja racer minibike faster?
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Under the actual gas tank, there will be a screw and a spring on the screw(governor). loosen up that screw until there is only about 2mm on the inside.

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The link below should be able to help you.

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What is the best mini bike to get?

If you want a DEPENDABLE minibike to run forever. A Honda z50 is no doubt the best minibike. It has 3 gears with an automatic clutch that is the easiest, safest(depending on the rider, they'll do about 35mph in 3rd gear), quietest and most durable to ride and own. If you can find an older one. The handlebars fold down, shut off the petcock and you can put it in your trunk or hatchback with ease. Honda also used to make a 70cc and 90cc version that were a bit bigger. When I was younger I had a 3hp Briggs & Stratton and a little 4hp Tecumseh minibike that didn't compare to the Honda z50. Honda also had a q50 and a qa50 minibike that also was no match to the z50. `tj