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First, construct three cuboids out of the paper. If you find this too difficult, you can simply just cut a huge pile of paper the same size and stack them together. Don't forget to seal it with tape! (Make 3 stacks)Lastly, put them all together. Done!

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Q: How can you make a bridge out of paper and tape?
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How do you build a tall bridge without it falling?

well you might want someone else to help you with that bridge made sure not to use glue use tape. well that is what you do if you are going to make a paper bridge.

Is it possible to make a bridge made out of paper and masking tape?

Yes. Make tubes by rolling the paper up tightly seal it with glue and glue it all together. For details, google is your friend. =)

How do you make a paper bridge?

with paper

How do you make a bush out of paper?

crush a piece of paper and tape it.

How do make a telescope out of paper only paper?

You take a piece of paper and roll it up, use tape to tape the telescope up.

How do you make a bush out of construction paper?

crush a piece of paper and tape it.

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you will need paper duck tape and a lot of paper

How can you make a good paper bridge?

You can't really make a strong paper bridge. Unless you use poster paper or very thick, but flexible paper. If you do, this is how: 1.Get paper, pencils, scissors, and glue/ tape 2.Cut a circle - which is hollow. Cut the circle in half. 3. cut along rectangle about as long as the width on the half circle. 4. Glue/Tape the half circle with the rectangle in the middle of the half circle "rounded" 5 Repeat procedure 4 with the other side of the long rectangle and the other half circle.

How do you make a self propelled car with paper straws paper clips rubber bands tape and glue?

Use the paper to make he body, propeler, and wheels. Use the paper clips for wheel axles. Use the straws to hols the axles and use the tape to tape the axles to the ody.

Which one is used to make the identification label for your CPO?

M9 paper or olive drab tape

How do you make paper towers with only tape and paper?

Make the paper blocks. After doing so stack the paper blocks like you would do in jenga.

How do you make an egg catcher out of straws paper clips paper and tape?

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