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The same way you play a c Flute only you have to use more air. Usually it's easier if you can play the low notes on the c flute like below the staff c and b very well. Also, some come with a crutch to make it easier to hold.

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13y ago

Making a flute out of metal is not an easy task. Use the link below to watch a video about how it's done, and then decide if it's something you'd care to tackle.

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13y ago

it is very EASY all you need to do is email me at and i can give you some details

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Q: How can you make a metal flute?
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How do you make a metal flute?

you have a shape of a flute than you put metal around the shape and let it stay for about1-3 days.

Is the flute made of metal?

If it is a real flute, then yes it is made of metal.

What is the flute made out of from today?

Today, a flute is normally made out of metal.

How did Theobald Boehm make the flute?

he used Copper {less expensive metal} for one layer and nickel {more expensive metal} for the nice shiny coating

What woodwind instrument does not use a reed to produce sound?

That would be the flute. The flute is made of metal, but it was originally made of wood.

What material is pan flute make of?

Some are made of bamboo or giant cane. Others can be made of wood, plastic, or metal.

What is the difference between a western flute and a Indian flute?

a regular flute has covered metal keys, and some have metal keys with holes in them. indian flutes are made of bamboo and have no keys, only holes

What is the flute related to?

The flute is related to all the wood and metal wind instruments because it is in the same family.

When did the flute be made?

The flute be made of wood. Wood that looks like metal. And beaver skin. And fries.

When was the modern metal flute invented?

1847 Theobald Boehm

How do you make flute on alxemy?


Does the American girl doll flute make sounds?

No ...the ag flute does not make sounds.