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You can't. In the world of a narcissist, they are right and everyone else is wrong. So no matter what you say or do, it will never register in their brain because in their eyes, they're god and know so much more than you ever will. They have no empathy or awareness that you are a separate human being with a life, goals and dreams of your own. Sadly, anyone who has been involved with a narcissist is just an extension to them, used as a screwdriver would be to open a paint can, and discarded as useless when it bends under unceasing pressure. To be a narcissistic extension is to be viewed and treated as such.

The only way you can make peace with that is to know that it wasn't your fault, because a narcissist is a predator, an empty shell that targeted you for the very things that make you a worthwhile human being and that they themselves instinctively know they lack. That's why you were a target and became an extension of them in the first place. The way to find peace is to get them out of your life as soon as possible, reconnect with you and rediscover who you are as a human being, and realise that there are some people who look human and masquarede as such, but only qualify as human because they are in a human body that lacks a soul.

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Q: How can you make peace with a narcissistic ex?
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You can, ignore, tell off, or indulge him the choice is yours. No one can answer why your ex would come back except, your ex.

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You answered it yourself... he is your ex, but not ex-narcissistic. he will always have the need to see himself as the center of attention. it has nothing to do with you, only himself.

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you know if your ex still thinks about when she\he calls you, text you, says stuff like: i miss you wanna come ver\ can i come over

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It depends on the emails that he is sending. He might still want to maintain a relationship with you.

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Your heart and your brain have disagreed. It is very natural though. This happens to everyone. Don't worry. :)

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call your manager and say she stole money from the store! hahaha

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He's playing you like a fine fiddle. Narcissistic people are ego-maniacs, controllers and can be verbally abusive (even physically abusive at times.) They love to feel in control so "game playing" is high on their list and that's exactly what this guy is doing to you. A person that loves you does not treat you in this manner. Tell him to get lost! Get on your own two feet and become independent and think of the signs of this narcissistic ex-boyfriend and learn from your mistakes. There is never a happy ending in a narcissistic relationship.

How do you make peace with a ex gf?

Tell her you don't want to argue anymore and you just want to be friends, tell her that love/relationships are different to friendships and in order to make you both feel better you need to leave the anger and upset behind!

Why when you ask your narcissistic ex boyfriend ih he has somebody already he wont answer yes or no?

Because he's a narcissist and they lie, lie lie. GET AWAY FROM HIM!

Why is your ex narcissistic partner ignoring you after trying to contact you over and over again?

He/She gave up after several attempts to do so. And they are exes for a reason, move on.