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you cant

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Q: How can you make static electricity using a cloth and a pen?
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Related questions

Is it possible to make electricity in air without using any machine?

Yes, static electricity

What is the difference between spark and static?

Static is the name of an electricity, a spark is like the outcome of friction. Like, you can use static electricity to make a spark.

What is the topic of rubbing your feet on the floor make electricity?

Static electricity.

How do you create static electricity with wool and styrofoam?

You can make some static electricity by rubbing wool or styrofoam against your head

What charge occurs when rubbing a balloon with plastic?

it will produce static electricity and the static electricity will make the balloons stick together for about 2 seconds

What is the kind of force static electricity makes?

make pieces of paper then take a plastic scale and rub it on your hair and then take it near the pieces, observe ans : the pieces of cloth flies in the and sticks to the scale this is called STATIC ELECTRIC FORCE

What materials make static electricity?

Carpet and balloons

Does rubbing your shoes on the rug make electricity?

yes, it is called static electricity (has tension,)

What are some testable questions involving static electricity For example Does rubbing an object more cause more static electricity?

Which materials make more static electricity when different objects are rubbed up against eachother.

How does static electricity make light when it is discharged?

it is solar powered

How can we make hair stand with electricity?

by static electric force

What natural resources is used to make electricity?

coal and static electricity like sparks