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You have to have paper

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Q: How can you make those awesome fireworks the people have on Minecraft servers?
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Related questions

What Minecraft servers have a lot of people in it?

minecraft servers sometimes have alot of people due to how popular the great game this server has LOTS!

What is the awesome game minecraft?

Minecraft is the indie sandbox game where you can either survive in the wild, be creative and build huge contraptions and creations, or you can play online with other people on multiplayer servers, which add new items and/or abilities to the game.

Why are so many people obsessed with minecraft?

Because minecraft is an AWESOME game.

Who hosts Minecraft?

if you mean minecraft servers well they are hosted by different people any one can host a minecraft server.

How do you rank people up in Minecraft?

It depends. You can't with normal minecraft but if you have a bukkit powered servers you can get plug-ins for that

How do you contact the people in charge of a server in minecraft?

Most minecraft servers have a website you can go to. otherwise you have to wait for an admin or moderator to get online in game.

Are there any minecraft servers you can play on that doesnt have too many people?

Look on sites that list servers and somewhere there should be a filter for popularity, depending on the site

Will minecraft 1.3.2 servers work for 1.3.1?

Yep! Because its simply bug fixes, people playing with 1.3.1 can go on servers for 1.3.2 and vice versa.

How do you become admin on minecraft for free?

No, people do not give out admin for free on servers to any random stranger

Are Minecraft servers hacked a lot?

Depends on what you mean by "hacked." There are some servers that don't have good protection from hacks, and so hackers useing cheats come on. If you mean hacked as in to compromise the server itself, then that depends as well. The more the population of miencraft rises, the more servers will be hacked. Minecraft servers are hacked just as often as any other PC game with dedicated servers, such as Team-Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike: Source. It's just something that comes with the people. The more people that play minecraft, the more server there will be, and the more hackers there will be.

What is a whitelist in Minecraft?

Some servers have a "whitelist" that you need to be on to get into the server. These are also called private servers. To get onto a whitelist, you need to contact the people in charge of the server and ask them to add your minecraft name to the whitelist. If they do, you can now connect to the server by using the IP.

Who are famous Minecraft people?

Notch (He made Minecraft)Jeb (One of the developpers)Main cast of the Yogscast:Lewis (Xephos)Simon (Honeydew)Hannah (Lomadia)Vareide (made some awesome minecraft vids on youtube, trailers etc)Paulsoaresjr (More awesome vids where he plays MC with his kids)Gronkh (awesome vids)CaptainSparklez (same)kiershar (builds awesome mobtraps, check on youtubeJiggyjiggypoo5 (known all over Minecraft Classic)