

How can you make water more fun for your bearded dragon?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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13y ago

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The ONLY water a Bearded Dragon needs - is for DRINKING ! They are a DESERT species - they don't need to be bathed - or have water to 'play' in !

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Q: How can you make water more fun for your bearded dragon?
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Yes, but it isn't common. There are many more ailments that might mimic the symptoms. If your bearded dragon is not behaving normally, take it to an experienced reptile veterinarian.

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Yes, in fact. Some people say it makes their bearded dragons colors pop more. Just make sure it doesn't get in his eyes or ears!!

Are Dragon aggressive?

Every Bearded Dragon is an individual. However - males tend to be more aggressive than females.

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Hold it more, and it will become more friendly so it won't bite.

How much should you feed your 2 month old bearded dragon?

Give maybe 2 small locust or 3 crickets at most along with fresh greens and water, although you will need to watch in case they decide to stop eating or seem to require more. I know this as i have a bearded dragon myself

What is the lowest bearded dragon can get?

The lowest a bearded dragon can cost in total would be 170+(crickets,sand,lighting,tank,bearded dragon,power bill of lighting.)as if its a baby , they eat WAYY more so a baby is 300$+ and an adult would be 170$+.Hope this helps!

Is a female or male bearded dragon better as a pet?

If you want a smaller, less aggressive bearded dragon I would suggest the female but if you are looking for a more energetic, feisty bearded dragon I would go for the larger, stronger boy dragon.

Why does your bearded dragon hide from you?

bearded dragons hide from you if you do not handle them alot if you want it to stop hiding try taming it by hand feeding it and holding it more often