

How can you make your blog more famous?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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To increase traffic to you blog, you must be dedicated to generating content within your blog. The addition of content will drive readership, readership translates into traffic/page views, page views are synonymous with "fame" or popularity.

Within your content, name names (people, companies, products, etc). Content of this nature plays into search engine indexing logic which drives hits to your blog. Linking to references within your content should be considered a must as well, thus providing your content as reference material to related content promotes the spirit of information sharing and ultimately builds cross and complimentary traffic.

Finally, settle on a topic that you wish to blog about - something with distinct appeal, but is somewhat unique in approach, perspective, etc. Consistency in the nature/theme of the content will help to build a regular contingent of visitors, or "fans", who are interested in your topic and/or viewpoints on the topic.

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