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Q: How can you make your freckles darker?
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How do you spell freckles?

That is the correct spelling of "freckles" (darker skin spots).

What does it mean when your freckles are darker in the middle?

There is more melanin there.

How do you get rid of freckles without surgery?

put on sun screen every day to prevent more freckles and from your freckles to get darker. at night put lemon juice on freckles and keep it on til morning then wash off. do this daily.

What is the meaning of dots on face?

freckles are genetic. pigments of skin are darker where the spots are

Can you put the word freckles in a sentence?

Sure! The little girl had a sprinkle of freckles across her nose that appeared darker in the summer sun.

Will redheads get freckles or a tan in a tanning bed?

Redheads can burn more easily, even in a tanning bed. Freckles can turn darker, whether using the sun or a tanning bed.

Can you get rid of freckles If so how?

Rinsing your face with lemon juice can help bleach your freckles and even out your skin tone, but this is not recommended by dermatologists because it is very drying. To help your freckles not get any darker, try to stay out of the sun, and when you must be in direct sunlight, wear sunblock. Freckles are beautiful, though!

Does the sun make freckles worse?

The sun will make freckles more prominent/noticeable.

How can one keep their freckles from becoming more noticeable in the summertime?

Keeping freckles from becoming more noticeable during summer is fairly easy. All one needs to do, is to get a healthy tan. When the skin becomes tanned and darker, the freckles will be harder to see.

Can aloe make freckles go away?

No. Aloe is wonderful for the skin, but it won't make freckles go away.

What causes freckles on your face like how are freckles created on your skin?

Freckles are caused by too much exposure to UV-B radiation. The exposure to UV-B radiation activates melanocytes, and this increases melanin production, which in turn causes freckles to become more darker and more noticeable.

How do you make your freckles stand out?

Freckles are make from a lot of melanin in one area in your skin.