

Best Answer

A gelding/stallion only needs to be relaxed enough to allow the penis to drop. This can often be accomplished using feed and a warm wash cloth applied to the exterior of the sheath.

Barring this natural or prescription tranquillizers are helpful.

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Q: How can you make your gelding horse erect?
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What is a horse castrated name?

A gelding

On Howrse what does it mean when your horse is gelding?

Well a gelding is a male horse who can no longer make a female pregnant (if u know what i mean haha)

What do you call a boy horse who cant make babies?

a gelding

Can a Gelding horse be any type of horse?

A gelding is a neutered male horse of any breed.

Does gelding enhance performance?

Well yes and no. Yes because he won't get distracted by the mares around him. No because it doesn't make a defference... A horse is a horse mare stallion or gelding.

What is a geldning?

A male horse that has had its testicles removed is called a gelding. A gelding can't breed, but is generally considered easier to work with and more likely to get along with other horses.

What is a grade gelding?

A gelding is a male horse that has been made sterile by the removal of his testicles. A grade horse is an unregistered horse

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A quarter gelding is a male quarter horse without testicles. The quarter horse is a type of breed of horse.

Can a gelding breed on howrse?

yes a thoroughbred is a breed of horse a gelding means a male horse and a female is a mare.A:A gelding is a castrated male horse. Any breed of horse can be a gelding, and any gelding can be any breed of horse.

What do you called a castrated young horse?

A castrated young horse is called a gelding.

Does castrating too young affect growth of the horse?

Young gelding usually results in a taller gelding, and late gelding results in a more muscular horse.

What is a fixed horse?

A gelding.