

How can you make your hair longer by yourself?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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i no it sounds silly but getting it slightly trimmed can make your hair grow faster as you are taking of the dead ends. As if you straighten it you are just pulling the dead ends of your hair of making it millimeters shorter every time you straighten but if you trim it the ends stay on.

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Q: How can you make your hair longer by yourself?
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Trim your hair. Be careful not to cut yourself but it is perfectly reasonable to give yourself a trim in that area.

How can you make your hair look longer?

It depends on what kind of hair you have. If you have curly or wavy hair you could straighten it. Also, you could try thinning out your hair, I think it makes it look longer. You can also get extensions. If you had your hair layered it might look longer but the best way is to get yourself some real extensions so you can curl straighten and do what ever you like with them; you can also cut to the length you want them.

How can you make hair look longer?

It depends on what kind of hair you have. If you have curly or wavy hair you could straighten it. Also, you could try thinning out your hair, I think it makes it look longer. You can also get extensions. If you had your hair layered it might look longer but the best way is to get yourself some real extensions so you can curl straighten and do what ever you like with them; you can also cut to the length you want them.

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How do you make your hair get longer?

You Grow It. or use hair extensions

Why do women have longer hair?

the reason why women have longer hair is that most girls chose to have their hair longer... it is all a choice the girls make. I have seen some women that have short hair.

How do you make your hair long?

Basically, to make your hair long is to wait for it to grow. If you have curly hair, you can straiten it to make it longer. :D

How do you make hair getting longer?

You Grow It. or use hair extensions

Does hair gel make your hair longer?

no it doesn't but u can try plaiting your hair