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Go and see the doctor

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Q: How can you make your period start if it is late and you are not pregnant?
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I have the flu and I am due to start my period. I went to the toilet and noticed very light pink spotting but no period is this normal?

It is normal. Flu can make you skip a period or make it late. There might be a possibility that you are pregnant as well?

Does lyrica make your period late?

I am starting to think so! I'm nine days late. Not pregnant either.

Can a Stomach virus make my period late?

Yes... so can being pregnant though.

When your period is late do your emotions control it?

your emotions dont control but, but you can make your self late. if you are stressed or worried about being pregnant you can cause you period to be late, its not controld by emotions but stress dosent help

Can you have a light late period even if your pregnant?

Yes, but I'd see your doctor to make sure there is nothing wrong.

Can doxycycline make your period late?

i don't know, but i think it must because i'm taking it and mine is late, and i've never been late in my life and i'm definitely not pregnant.

Can diet pills make you late on your period?

can diet pils make you late on your period ?

Does the period or breast make a women pregnant?

No it does not make a lady pregnant.

Can your period make you pregnant?


Can you start the pill without having your period?

Your are suppose to start the birth control pill the Sunday after your period. If you haven't had a period its best to take a pregnancy test to make sure your not pregnant. If you test is negative then you can go to your gyne doctor and they can give you a pill to start your period.

18 days late for your period are you pregnant?

This is certainly possible. A missed period should be the most recognizable symptoms of pregnancy. You should be able to take a pregnancy test by this point and determine if you are pregnant. If you are indeed pregnant, make an OB/GYN appointment to start your necessary prenatal care. In the mean time start a daily folic acid and multi-vitamin regimen. (Also avoid habits such as smoking, drinking, extreme fatty, high cholesterol diets)

I'm not trying to get pregnant but i don't have periods can i still get pregnant?

Yes, you can still get pregnant. Even if you don't have a period you can still ovulate. I go 4 to 5 months without a period and just found out I am pregnant. So make sure you are taking precautions if you don't want a baby!! Good luck