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It is normal. Flu can make you skip a period or make it late. There might be a possibility that you are pregnant as well?

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Q: I have the flu and I am due to start my period. I went to the toilet and noticed very light pink spotting but no period is this normal?
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I am also spotting at 17 weeks pregnant. I started spotting off an on with brownish discharge at 10 weeks, alhtough it is now a pinkish color. You should contact your Dr. My Dr. told me that 30% of women spot during pregnancy. She was not concerned b/c she heard the heart beat. She said that spotting can happen after heavy lifting, exercise, intercourse or constipation. I too and trying not to freak out. Good Luck!

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Do you have to be on the toilet to start your periods?

Yes, so if you don't want to have your period, just don't go to the toilet. Hoped this helped :)

I am constanly going to the toilet and when i have been to the toilet my bladder is busting and my water is pink and when i wipe myself there is blood?

that's a period

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NO! unless the person has OCD. You may want to find out before you judge them. BUT NO IT IS NOT "NORMAL"