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Q: How can you make yourself through up?
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How can you make yourself through up without sticking your fingers down your throat?

yes.... just force the food up

Why do you have to throw up?

idk but i know how you can make yourself throw up. Well you can look at something gross or you can make yourself sick.

Is there an eaiser way to make yourself throw up without gagging yourself?

Don't do it.

Why is makeup named makeup?

Because you are making your self up . SO TO MAKEUP YOURSELF ... AKA.... MAKEUP :) its a guess but I think a good one. Make up. to make yourself up

How do you make yourself beautiful?

push up bra

What is personal rule?

A rule you make up for yourself.

What do you do if you make yourself throw up?

Anorexia or Bulimia

Do you have to eat before you make yourself throw up?


Why is makeup called makeup?

u put it on your face to make ur self up----------------------------------------------------------Makeup is called makeup because you decorate yourself and make up yourself....... with jewelry and makeup :)This is all wrong.....if you make up a story, you create something that is completely make believe, make up is called make up because it makes you into something that your not. It's make believe.

What is tart and custard?

a dessert that you can eat to make yourself full up

How do you get my mom to believe me that im ill?

make yourself throw up.

What do you do to make guys like you?

It isn't that hard. You could go cake face yourself with a heap of make up, and make yourself look disgusting, or you could just be yourself. Boys appreciate natural beauty, not pretend beauty.