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This can be done with any Database system as the clever part is within the PHP.

There are two ways of doing this. The first method is having each record as a new selection. The second is having one field of the selection.

I'm going to use 'DATABASE {' and '} DATABASE' in order to show you where to put your 'Database {' and your closing '}' for the query.

Each Record

Assuming that you have at least two fields. One called value one called text then the following would work. (If your value is always the same as the Text shown to the user then you can change the set of text to value)

Echo '<select name="myselect">';


$current_value = $DATABASE['value'];

$current_text = $DATABASE['text'];

$myarray[] = '<option value="' . $current_value . '">' . $current_text . '</option>'; #A*


Foreach($myarray as $key => $value){

Echo $value;


Echo '</select>';

Of course in this method you do not require an array as such. Due to the fact that on line A* could echo the value there and then.

One Field

This would be used more in the cases in which the table is built for forms and works like a Content Management System (CMS).

Firstly set out your record contents as: (I'm assuming here that the field is called dropdown)

I am a value[nowtext]I am some text[nextopt]I am a second Value[nowtext]I am some more text

Now let me explain. If you split this up in to [nextopt] there are two options. If you then split each again by [nowtext] you'll find 2 in between the [nextopt].

In this case, the first item set is the value of the Dropdown. The second is then the text and is split using [nowtext].

There are two functions in PHP which will help us. The first is called explode(); and this works like myfeild.split(); in Javascript. The second is implode();. Explode() is making an array. Think of it as, Explode the information into smaller chunks. Implode is the opposite, this takes an Array and turns it in to a String. (I've added two links to W3schools for reference on these tags)

Fairly simple when you understand how they work. Here's an example:

Echo '<select name="myselect">';

#Database {

$current_dropdown = $DATABASE['dropdown'];

$dropdown_array_a = explode('[nextopt]',$current_dropdown); #Makes an array

Foreach($dropdown_array_a as $key => $value){ #Runs for each item in array and loads in the key and the value of the array.

$dropdown_array_b = explode('[nowtext]',$value

Echo '<option value="' . $dropdown_array_b[0] . '">' . $dropdown_array_b[1] . '</option>';



Echo '</select>';

That was two of the many ways to perform this task. A link to the reference of Explode, Implode, Arrays and Foreach has been added to the Question.

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Q: How can you populate a Dropdown with an Array from a Database using PHP?
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