

How can you prepare better for a eruption?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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The best way is to move away

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Q: How can you prepare better for a eruption?
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You can prepare for a possible volcano eruption by closely monitoring the news and local authorities. In the event of an eruption it is usually best to flee the area to prevent light threatening injuries.

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eruption is better way better and pluse strength is a HM so eruprion is better

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yes in fact there were sirens and warnings out when it happened

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Stock up on dehydrated foods, water, camping supplies, medical supplies, ammunition, clothing, and gas up the truck (jeep if you HAVE one). Head toward the tropics. The Mediterranean might be nice, but you can't drive there from here. Somewhere around the Equator is where you would have the best chance for survival from the imminent eruption of North America's wildest SuperVolcano.

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Prepare is to ready yourself for something. example: You'd better prepare yourself for the big test tomorrow.

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Mount Hood, located in Oregon, is considered to be a dormant volcano, and it has not had a recorded deadly eruption in recent history. The last eruption occurred over 220 years ago in 1781-1782, and there were no reported casualties. However, it is important to monitor and prepare for potential volcanic hazards given its volcanic activity in the past.

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