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Keep the kittens and dog confined to seperate parts of the house, but make sure there is plenty of space for each so they don't get claustrophobic. If, for some reason, you need to move the kittens past/into the dog's area, place the kittens in a cat carrier and place a thick towel over the openings. Get them to a secluded and quiet spot as quickly as possible without causing them (the kittens or dog) any trauma. Also, train the dog to ignore the cats and respond to commands such as 'sit', 'leave it' and 'no' in case something goes wrong.

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Q: How can you protect your cats babies with your dog around?
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Do you like dogs better or cats better?

dog because they protect there homes

Which has the most babies dog or cat?

depends, dogs can have from 3-12 babies and cats can have from 5-10 so probably dogs.

do you like cats or dogs?

dog because they protect there homes

Why are dog breeds protective of children?

Because they are young so they think of them as babies. Animals instincts are to protect babies.

How can a cat have babies?

12 tops!

what is the difference between a cat and a dog ?

rufffffffffffffffff meoooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

You want to get a dog that will be good with your two cats?

Any dog would be good with cats, as long as it is raised around them from the puppy stage. Some breeds wouldn't even need that to behave properly around cats, you just have to be firm with the dog if it does something wrong, and let the cats take care of themselves when you're not around.

Can a dog and cat mate together I mean like have cat puppies together?

No it is not possible, they are two different species therefore the egg and sperm would not be compatible.A cat and a dog can not have babies. They are different species and can not interbreed.

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What animal pals around with cats on raindy days?


Is it normal for a dog to growl at people after giving birth?

yes. The maternal instinct to protect the babies is very strong.