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Q: How can you prove that convolution in time domain is equal to multiplication in frequency domain Mathematically with the help of Laplace transform?
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State and prove convolution theorem for fourier transform?

Convolution TheoremsThe convolution theorem states that convolution in time domain corresponds to multiplication in frequency domain and vice versa:Proof of (a):Proof of (b):

What is the need for convolution in digital signal processing?

If we need to add two signals in time domain, we perform convolution. A better way, is to convert the two signals from time domain to frequency domain. This can be achieved by FAST FOURIER TRANFORM. Once both the signals have been converted to frequency domain, they can simply be multiplied. Since Convolution in time domain is similar to multiplying in Frequency domain. Once both the signals have been multiplied, they can be converted back to time domain by Inverse Fourier Transform method. Thus achieving accurate results.

What is the solution to the Heat equation using fourier transform?

The solution to the Heat equation using Fourier transform is given by the convolution of the initial condition with the fundamental solution of the heat equation, which is the Gaussian function. The Fourier transform helps in solving the heat equation by transforming the problem from the spatial domain to the frequency domain, simplifying the calculations.

What do you mean by periodic convolution?

The circular convolution of two aperiodic functions occurs when one of them is convolved in the normal way with a periodic summation of the other function. That situation arises in the context of the Circular convolution theorem. The identical operation can also be expressed in terms of the periodic summations of both functions, if the infinite integration interval is reduced to just one period. That situation arises in the context of the Discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) and is also called periodic convolution. In particular, the transform (DTFT) of the product of two discrete sequences is the periodic convolution of the transforms of the individual sequences.

What is a Z-transform?

A Z-transform is a mathematical transform which converts a discrete time-domain signal into a complex frequency-domain representation.

Application of fourier transform?

the main application of fourier transform is the changing a function from frequency domain to time domain, laplaxe transform is the general form of fourier transform .

What is the difference between Fourier transform and Wavelet transform?

Fourier transform analyzes signals in the frequency domain, representing the signal as a sum of sinusoidal functions. Wavelet transform decomposes signals into different frequency components using wavelet functions that are localized in time and frequency, allowing for analysis of both high and low frequencies simultaneously. Wavelet transform is more suitable than Fourier transform for analyzing non-stationary signals with localized features.

What is the limitation of fourier transform?

The frequency domain cannot be infinite.

What is the Fourier Transform?

The Fourier transform is a mathematical transformation used to transform signals between time or spatial domain and frequency domain. It is reversible. It refers to both the transform operation and to the function it produces.

What kind of response is given by laplace transform analysis?

The type of response given by Laplace transform analysis is the frequency response.

What is the application of z transform?

Type your answer here... APPLICATIONS OF Z TRANSFORM· Application of the z Transform to the Analysis of Linear Discrete Systems.· Application of the z Transform to the Simulation of Continuous Systems.· Application of the z Transform to the Analysis of Digital Filters.· Application of the z Transform to the Analysis of Discrete Signals.he z Transform to the Analysis of Digital Filters.One of the major applications of the z-transform is used as an analysis tool for discrete-timeLTI systems. In particular, we will use the z-transform for finding the frequency responseand evaluating the stability of discrete-time LTI systems.From the convolution property of z-transform, we have the relationship between the ztransformsof input and output sequences of a discrete-time LTI system asY(z) = H(z)X (z)where X (z), Y(z) and H(z) are the z-transforms of the system input, output and impulseresponse, respectively. H(z) is referred as the system function or transfer function of thesystem.

What mathematical process can you use to transform signal waveform of frequency domain into time domain. or the other way around?

This is called the Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform.