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Am the middle child of 17 but we have one sister that stands out for her bossy tone and tantrums (she's 47). Unfortunately, people like this always have the right answer and are seldom wrong so pointing out the behaviour won't work. I avoided her for years and now live 1100 miles away and find hanging up on her the best way to avoid listening to her tell me how I should be.

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Q: How can you put a stop to an overbearing sibling?
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You have to stop being a wimp and put her in her place. She wants you to take control, but thinks you are not man enough to do it. It will cause a fight as you know, but what do you have to loose. Don't be miserable your entire life. Be a man and be the man she needs you to be.

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How are leader selected in a dictatorship?

by their overbearing attitude, their threats to their staff and workers, and their assurance that they will put forth their utmost skill and knowledge to ensure the goals of the Dictatorship are met.

What does overbearing mean?

The overbearing husband tried to control every aspect of his wife's life.The manager was widely considered arrogant and overbearing by his employees.Once Phillip was given a little authority, he began to issue orders in an overbearing manner.

What does domineering mean?

Tending to domineer; overbearing or inclined to exercise arbitrary and overbearing control over others

What root does the word overbearing come from?

The word "overbearing" comes from the Old English word "beran," meaning "to bear" or "to carry." The prefix "over-" intensifies the meaning of the base word, suggesting excessive or overwhelming behavior.

How can I stop sibling rivalry?

The easiest way is to treat them both equally. Try taking them out one on one, about once a month. That might help. I think that sibling rivalry is usually rooted in jealousy.

What is A word that is overbearing or arbitrary?

some say i'm overbearing others say i'm arbitrary. There is a double H inside of me.