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This was my problem when i was taking Birth Control pills, i suddenly had pimples on my face and back, i tried pimple control facial wash and astringents and nothing worked, even tried an exfoliant which made it worse.

Finally i came over this pimple product called Benzac, but first i took some time using nothing for about a month before using Benzac to make sure the effect is not influenced by interaction with the previous measures i used. So after 1 month i used Benzac AC 10 % wash face with non irritating facial wash the ones that dont leave residue but wont leave your skin oily after washing. I used a plain ivory soap. After that use a moisturizer first, the one that you think is good for your skin, i let it sink in my skin for a while before i put on Benzac. The moisturizer is important because Benzac will dry the skin as it dries the pimples. This happens because i put Benzac all over my face contrary to putting it just over a breakout. This made my pores clear and my blackheads were gone. Dont put Benzac when there is a break in the skin, when there is already a clear wound because Benzac will darken it. Its okay when there is just a papule but make sure there is no break. After about 6 months I was pimple free. There is a setback though my facial skin was a little darker. But pimples are gone. You have to put Benzac once a day, i do it at night, it bleaches pillow cases though so use only white ones if you apply at night.

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The roundness and tenderness is related to estrogen levels. Estrogen levels rise and fall when you are not pregnant, and when you are pregnant estrogen levels rise substantially.

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The hormones that stop your period are estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen causes bloating, mood swings and headaches while progesterone causes acne, fatigue and tender breasts.

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Possibly estrogen therapy. But at most that will give you small boobs and lots of acne

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on the face. It is related to Skin

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There are cases where the acne is related to hormone levels. In these cases, birth control can assist in controlling the acne. Consult your physician/dermatologist for specifics.

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"Estrogen" is not actually a chemical compound, but a family of related chemical compounds. They (along with testosterone, and most other steroids) are usually white when pure.

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You are able to recover it through asking Ganderton, he'll be able to recover someone's email. I've attached a related link below to his profile.

Are there Indian herbs to drink to cure acne and purify blood and for hormonal disorder?

There no such herbal drink for treatment for acne. Various ayurvedic products such as cucumber, gooseberry, and pennywort are advertised for various purposes, including blood purification. These treatments usually include skin cleansing which is the most important aspect of acne. Acne is primarily a skin disease and related to the immune system. Effective treatment usually relies on dietary restrictions, antibiotics where necessary, and proper skin care. (see related link for acne prevention and treatment)

What takes acne away?

In my opinion, many things cause acne such as bad diet, always touching your face, not washing your face etc. In my opinion, what takes it away is sometimes good medicine and creams but I find water, lemons, exercises and a good healthy diet helps.In my opinion, what takes acne away is the same thing that causes acne. Scientific research is now pinpointing dairy produce and refined processed carbohydrates as a major cause of acne. Therefore, improve your eating habits. Eliminate the foods that cause acne and the acne will go away. See the related question and answer listed in Related Questions section, further down this page, for more in-depth information.