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Just try to remember Latitude lines go left to right" or "Lat Left"

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Q: How can you remember that lines of latitude run east and west or across the map?
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Describe a way to remember that lines of latitude run east and west or across the map?


How do you remember latitude lines run from east to west?

If you remember that the rungs of a ladder are like the latitude lines on that ladder. That's how I remember it.

What is the lines of longitude and the lines of latitude?

Longitude lines run north to south of the Earth. Latitude lines run east to west of the Earth. (You can remember which is which by thinking of Santa Clause: LONGatude is up and down and FATatitude is across.)

What does the lines latitude run from?

Latitude lines are like bands across the Earth. They go from East to South.

What lines drawn on maps help locate places?

Latitude lines are imaginary lines that run East to West but measure North to South on the Globe. I remember latitude is fatitude. Longitude lines go North to South but measure East to West. I remember it as LONGitude.

How can you remember the latitude lines go across the map?

Isn't there a move in football called a "lateral" something or other ? Doesn't it havesomething to do with moving sideways across the field, rather than up and downthe field toward the goals ? If I'm right about that, you could use it to remember thatLATitude lines go across the map, just like the LATeral pass goes across the field.I first think of "LONGitude as being something LONG or tall (the lines running north and south, but not wide. The "wide" lines (latitude) are so wide they go around the earth, east and west.A simple answer:Instead of Latitude, remember it as "Ladder-tude". The steps on a ladder go across (left to right); that's why you can step on them. Lines of ladder-tude (latitude) are the lines that go from east to west. If you imagined yourself 'stepping up' on a globe, you would be stepping on the lines of latitude.

What is a trick to help you remember in which direction latitude and longitude?

Latitude lays flat and spiders have long legs

What way does the lines of latitude go?

The lines of latitude go east to west (horizontal) but measure north to south. You can remember this by thinking "lat is flat"

How can you find your approximate latitude and longitude at sea?

Longitude lines are the lines going vertically across the earth, east and west of the Prime Meridian. Latitude lines are the lines going horizontally across the earth, north and south of the equator.

What Are The Lines That Run East To West on a globe?

Lines of latitude, which include -the Arctic Circle;The Tropic of Cancer;The Equator;The Tropic of Capricorn;The Antarctic Circle.The one in the middle is the equator.Latitudinal lines run from east to west.

What are the lines that run across the glob like the rungs of a ladder from east to west?

parallels of latitude

In which directions do lines of latitude and longitude run?

Latitude lines run east-west, but measure north and south. Longitude lines run north-south, but measure east and west.