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If I were you, I'd go to a professional, but make sure you go to someone recommended or else they might use dirty needles, etc. ----------------------- There is no "safe" way to pierce your own lip. If you are hell bent on doing it yourself then I would recommend lots and lots of research and you're going to spend more to do it right at home than you would if you were having it done professionally.

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Q: How can you safely pierce your own lip?
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When piercing your own lip should you pierce it inside out or outside in?

Don't do it yourself. Go to a person who knows how. This is not something you want to do wrong because it could ruin your lip for the rest of your life. But if you were to pierce it yourself pierce it from the outside going in.

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To get a ring in your lip.

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yea, but it would look wierd, (depending on how big it is)

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Can it cause nerve damage to pierce your own lip?

Yes. You can do irreparable damage to your lip muscles and tendons piercing your own lip. i heard that you can, bit i did mine 4 times myself and it all turned out fine. just be careful i guess.

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Unless you're a professional piercer, you shouldnt be self-piercing. Septums can be tricky to pierce right and you can't sterilize your tools unless you have an autoclave. Save up and go to a professional.

How do you pierce your own lip without it swelling or getting infected?

you don't. go see a professional. and it will still swell some.

Can you pierce the bottom lip?

yes yes

Where on the upper lip shall you pierce?

get a monroe

How do you pierce your own lip with only the needle?

I pierced my own lip with a needle. I put the needle through the hole in the middle of my bottom lip and then pulled it out. It didn't hurt at all and it was fun to do. I pierced my own lip with a needle. I put the needle through the hole in the middle of my bottom lip and then pulled it out. It didn't hurt at all and it was fun to do. Get Link: