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Q: How can you say waiting in a different way?
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How do you say 'waiting for my cousins'?

Yo estoy esperando para mis tios would be the best way to say "I am waiting for my cousins" in Spanish.

How do you say you are waiting?

"I am waiting".

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How do you say waiting to meet you in spanish?

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You whistle or you say kitty kitty.Or you can do the tough way. By waiting.

Is this the correct way to say His shirt is different than mine?

No, a better way to say it would be "His shirt is different from mine."

How do you say you are waiting in Finnish?

"I am waiting" is "(minä) odotan".

Different between waiting on you and waiting for you?

différence entre waiting on God et waiting for God

When you say something do you say different from yours or different than yours?

The correct way is, "different from yours".

Is it correct to say your guides are waiting by the train?

If they are in fact waiting there, it is perfectly correct to say so.

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One way to say it would be in Irish Ó Caiside.

What is a different way to say 4.20?

Another way to say 4.20 is "four twenty."

Different way to say come in?
