

How can you separate salt from a salt solution?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Evaporate the liquid.

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Q: How can you separate salt from a salt solution?
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Can you used filtation to separate salt?

No, it cannot separate salt from a salt solution. This is because salt is soluble in water.

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Boiling off the water from a salt solution will separate the solid salt and water (which can be collected by a condenser).

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What will separate salt from salt water solution?

Destiling or reverse osmosis.

Where you use can?

You can use evaporation to separate salt from a solution of salt and water.

How can you separate salt from the solution in water?

Boil away the water and the salt will be left.

How could you separate the salt from the in the solution?

there are many techniques to it. The best can be heating the solution till the time the solution gets evaporated and it leaves behind the salt.

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rice from solution by filteration and salt by vaporising water .

How could you separate a mixture of and sugar and sand?

Put them in water. Sugar dissolves, sand remains Filter the solution to separate sand and salt. Evaporate solution with dissolved salt to get salt back

How you separate aluminum and common salt?

You can separate aluminum and common salt by using a process called precipitation. First, mix the aluminum and salt in water to form a solution. Then, add a chemical that causes the aluminum in the solution to precipitate out as a solid, leaving the common salt dissolved in the water. Finally, filter out the solid aluminum to separate it from the salt solution.

How do you separate water from a salt and water solution?

You boil the salt water so the water evaporates, leaving salt.