

How can you sharpen a knife?

Updated: 11/9/2023
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14y ago

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Sharpening a knife involves the removal of material to create a new, sharp edge. There are various methods for sharpening knives, and each method has its own advantages. Here's a general guide on how to sharpen a knife using a whetstone, a common and effective sharpening tool:

Materials Needed:

Whetstone (choose a grit based on your needs, e.g., coarse for reshaping, medium for sharpening, fine for polishing)

Honing oil or water (depending on the type of whetstone)

Damp cloth or paper towel



Prepare the Whetstone:

If you're using a waterstone, soak it in water for about 10-15 minutes before use. If it's an oilstone, use honing oil instead.

Secure the Whetstone:

Place the whetstone on a stable surface, such as a countertop or table. Some whetstones have a non-slip base; ensure it's secure.

Choose the Right Angle:

The angle at which you hold the knife against the whetstone is crucial. The recommended angle depends on the type of knife, but a common range is 15 to 20 degrees. Some knives may have specific angles recommended by the manufacturer.

Hold the Knife:

Hold the knife handle with one hand and place your other hand on the blade near the tip. This provides control and stability.

Starting the Sharpening Process:

With the edge facing you, position the knife on the whetstone at the chosen angle. Start with the coarsest grit if your knife is dull or has nicks. If the knife is not too dull, you can start with a medium or fine grit.

Move the Knife Across the Stone:

Keeping the angle consistent, move the knife across the stone in a sweeping motion. Start from the base of the blade and move towards the tip. Repeat this process several times, ensuring you cover the entire length of the blade.

Switch Sides:

Flip the knife and repeat the process on the other side. This ensures even sharpening and maintains the knife's balance.

Check for Burr:

After sharpening one side, check for a burr (a slight raised edge) along the opposite side of the blade. If a burr has formed, it indicates that the sharpening is progressing. Continue until you can feel a burr along the entire length.

Repeat on Finer Grits:

Once you've achieved a burr with the coarse grit, move to a finer grit to refine the edge. Repeat the sharpening process on each side until you achieve the desired sharpness.


After sharpening, use a honing rod or sharpening steel to straighten the edge and remove any remaining burr. This step helps maintain the sharpness between sharpening sessions.

Remember, practice and patience are key when sharpening knives. It's essential to maintain a consistent angle and use a smooth, controlled motion. If you're unsure about the process, you can also seek guidance from professionals or use knife sharpening systems that provide angle guides for precise sharpening.

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Barry Wilkinson

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14y ago

With a whetstone, a steel, or a ceramic knife sharpener.

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