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It can not go through because it will pop.

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Q: How can you stick a stick through a balloon?
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because she her hair was the negative charged into the balloon which it caused it to stick to the balloon....does that answer your question...

How come you can stick a pencil through a balloon without popping it?

as at the edges tension on balloon is less therefore force at these diametrically opposite surfaces force due to pencil is not enough to burst the balloon

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Because the balloon pops when the air inside the rushes out quickly through a tiny hole.

How does confetti stick to a balloon?

if the balloon is filled with static electricity

Why doesn't a balloon pop with a needle through it?

A balloon bursts when the surface tension of the balloon's rubber is broken. If tape is put on the balloon and a needle inserted, the surface tension is held together by the tape.

How does a balloon not pop when you put a skew stick through it?

Prepare the balloon by placing scotch tape on opposite sides. You can push the skewer through without it popping but you need to pop the balloon soon after pulling the skewer out because it will loose air. You can make that part of the act--to demonstrate that it is a real balloon and to "hide the evidence".

Do you have a balloon and stick experiment?


A rubbed balloon will stick to a wooden wall which demonstrated charge?

A rubbed balloon will stick to a wooden wall demonstrating the charge of static electricity. The friction of the rubbing of the balloon causes the charge to build.

A balloon will stick to a wooden wall if the balloon is charged?

either negatively or positively charged.

Why does a balloon stick to the wall after it is rubbed on polymer?

The idea is that the balloon gains electric charge.

What makes a balloon stick to the wall?


Why a balloon that has a static electric charge will stick to a wall?

This is because on the exact same place you rubbed the balloon on it will have electrons wich made it stick on the wall.