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If your dog is a terrier, you likely won't be able to squelch this behavior completely - it is what they were bred to do after all. Your best bet is to not leave him out there by himself. If your dog is bored they will figure things out to do to amuse themselves, and they rarely choose things their humans are happy with. Another alternative is to provide him with a space where it's okay to dig. Make him a sandbox. Any time you see him digging where he isn't supposed to, make an "UGH" sound loud enough to stop him and attract his attention. Tell him what a good boy he is (for giving you the attention and for stopping digging) and then lead him over to his digging pit. Praise him whenever you catch him digging there. == == I dont disagree with what the top poster said,if it is a type of terrier then its completely normal because these types of dogs were bred to do these things just like pitbulls were bred to defend their owners(thats another reason why all this stuff about pitbulls is stupid)back to the point.This behavior is also caused by not enough walking ,you will notice a change in a dogs behavior if its not digging holes in your yard it could be biting furniture, or even agression.My suggestion is walk the dog .Its kinda like when you get tired of being in a house so long and you just wanna get out.Another way to prevent this is for proper training like the top poster said above.BE PATIENT WITH THE will eventually work. now lilly200 TELL IT OFF until it does the right thing....then praise it. put sheet metal on top of the ground

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14y ago
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14y ago

well you have to train it and if it is girl it could mean that she is pregnet but other than that it would just be bad behavior that you need to teach you dog out of. it is always best to train him/her when they are puppies.

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13y ago

you might not like the sound of this but i heard that it works. What you do is once they have dug a hole you should place their dog poo using a shovel in the hole and cover it over with the surroundings. This puts them off. It mgiht take a couple of goes before it works. Dont worry I also heard it doesnt leave a smell :)

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15y ago

If the dog has made a hole, use the dog's own feces (MUST be his/her OWN feces), and put it in the hole. Dogs hate the smell of their own feces and will never dig in that spot again.This is particularly useful if your dog keeps digging in the same spots over and over.

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13y ago

You can't really i don't have much of a garden but i do have a dog. All you have to do is just make a loud sharp sound and as soon as your dog stops digging then praise them glad to help xx c xx

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12y ago

You can stop your dog from doing this if you make sure he never does it as a puppy, or when he does it the first time you should catch him in the act right when he is doing it and with a loud voice but not screaming you should tell him NO, and take him inside, if he continues, then do this a few times, but never a few minutes after he has moved on to another subject, because then he might think that you are mad at him or her for that other reason, or maybe your dog is just bored, or likes doing it.

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14y ago

Usually, the only reason they do dig holes, is because they know somethings under the ground... The best way to prevent it, its to get what it is, and get it away, or if its alive call an extermonater.

Hope this helps!

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12y ago

The first thing I would suggest is to find a place in the garden where your dog can dig.

The east option is to buy a sand box and either fill it with soil or sand. Then bury some treats and toys inside so your dog can dig them out. Once he learns this is his special place to dig he is more than likely to go to this area when he feels the need to dig.

When you create a special place for your puppy to carry out his digging , you have to keep the "excitement" going for him.

Remember to bury a treat or toy so he always has something to find. Dogs get bored, after digging in the same spot for a while, so he may decide that somewhere in another part of your garden looks better. Also, you must refill the sand or dirt in his special area from time to time.

Option 2 How to Stop Dog Digging

When you're working in the garden, you could use a sprinkler, water pistol or a spray bottle. When your dog starts digging in the loose dirt, squirt him with the water.

Once you have sprayed him hide the hose, water pistol or spray bottle behind your back and he will think that the garden is doing it to him, not you, so he'll be less likely to dig when you're not around.

Option 3 How to Stop Dog Digging

If you have a flower bed that you do not want your puppy to go near use a mixture of chilli powder and water around the plants. Use this mixture to water your plants, your dog will not like the smell, and will start to avoid the area.

If he is still digging in that area then try using dried red pepper instead another smell that dogs don't like.

Option 4 How to Stop dog Digging

Put a surprise in the hole your dog has dug. Many puppies start on a hole, leave it for a while and then come back later to continue the digging.During one of his digging breaks, blow up a balloon and bury it in there. When your dog comes back to dig, the balloon will pop and he wont like the noise.

dogs like 'clean' dirt so when he goes off for a digging break, you could also fill the holes up with dead leaves, rocks, mulch, sticks and other undesirable stuff in the hole then cover it up with a thin layer of dirt; chances are that when your dog starts digging again and finds that stuff in his hole, he will stop.

If that doesn't work then go out and buy some bitter apple spray. As you refill the hole spray the earth with the bitter apple spray, or you could use the chilli powder and water, your puppy will hate the smell and should stop digging in that hole.

Option 5 How to Stop Puppy Digging

As soon as you catch your dog digging make a loud noise by placing penny's in a tin and give it a good shake to get your dogs attention. Call him over to you and play a game this will take his mind off his digging.

If you want good results, you must be consistent. Don't let it slip for a week and wonder why your Lab puppy still digs everything up in the garden.

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