

Best Answer

use shout and spray it on then put it in the washer that worked for me im a skool teacher

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Q: How can you take whiteout stain off clothes?
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Re dye it!

How do you remove a stain of whiteout from a piece of wood?

well you could try to scratch it off after its dry, but a floor cleaner should do it.

Will cocoa powder stain clothes?

Cocoa powder will not stain clothes permanently. Shake off as much of the powder as you can. Then pretreat the stain and wash it in hot water.

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Use Whiteout.

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Use fantastic with bleech it works

What do you do if you have blood on your clothes?

if you have blood on your clothes or aNYTHING you should use THIS method: first just simply take off the clothes or item then put cold water on it and keep rubbing it in the blood will start to fade a little but then put (liquid soap) antibaterial or and liquid soap on the stain and do this to botyh sides of stain and it WILL come outt

How do you get whiteout off of furniture?

You will need: a bowl, almost-boiling water, textured rag, and sponge. 1. soak the the sponge in a bowl of almost-boiling water. 2. wait a minute, then carefully take the sponge out. 3. lay the sponge over the whiteout. 4. wait a few minutes, checking under the sponge every once in awhile until the white out has softened. 5. after the whiteout softens a little bit, take off the sponge and use a textured rag to scrape off the whiteout.

How do you take off a soda stain off a shirt?

wash it

What is the meaning of stripping?

Stripping has different meanings. Generally, stripping means to remove or take off (something). Stripping paint or stain from (usually wood) is a chemical process that takes paint or stain off and returns wood to almost its natural state. Stripping can also mean to take off all your clothes (including underwear).

How do you get lipstick out of clothes?

Scrape off as much of the lipstick as you can, be careful not to spread the stain around.Pretreat the stain, and rinse.Rub the stain with liquid detergents, and then wash as you normally would.

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Glow sticks will stain your hair, clothes, and skin. (It is non-toxic, though). After a while, it will wash off.

How do you get blood stains off clothes?

Start as soon as you can, if the blood dries it is harder to wash. Rinse the stain and then let it soak in cold water. Pretreat it with OxyClean if the stain is stubborn. Wash the clothes on a cool water cycle.