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Start as soon as you can, if the blood dries it is harder to wash. Rinse the stain and then let it soak in cold water. Pretreat it with OxyClean if the stain is stubborn. Wash the clothes on a cool water cycle.

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Q: How do you get blood stains off clothes?
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How do you get dried blood stains out of clothes?

Kalamansi juice

What do you soak clothes in cold water to remove?

You soak clothes with blood stains on them in cold water.

Can you get blood stains out of clothes with water?

Clothes that get blood on them, need to be steeped in COLD water immediately otherwise the blood is nearly impossible to remove once it has dried.

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so you can clean the stains off your clothes

Does blood stain clothes?

Yes, blood stains clothes. It is a protein stain, and is difficult to remove. If you have a blood stain to remove, use cold water and pretreat it with OxyClean.

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if she is moody or constantly going to the bathroom. or if there are "blood" stains on her clothes.

Can you wash clothes with blood stains on them with regular clothes?

You can, but it is not recommended. The stain may redeposit on other clothes, or the hot water might make the stain set more strongly. If you rinse the blood out with cold water, then it can be safely washed with other clothes.

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you dont get then there in the frist place but bleach

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Go to target and buy a "multi-use" eraser ... they're just like "mr clean magic eraser" -- all you do is wet the sponge, wring it out, and rub it over the stains. It comes right off the wall! The same trick for blood stains in clothes and various other things. Your body has enzymes that can break down such stains. Just spit on it and rub it with a cloth.

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Vaseline will leave a waxy build-up on top of the clothes. Scrape as much of this off as you can without damaging the fabric. Rub both sides of the stains with liquid detergent and wash them in hot water.

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