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their colors dull. for example, instead of bright purples and blues, they would be a dull lavender or baby blue.

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Q: How can you tell a betta fish is getting old?
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How do you tell how old a betta fish is?

the size of it's fins and body

How do you tell an adult betta fish from a baby betta fish?

Adult betta fish, specifically the males, will grow in the majority of their fins as juveniles. When you see bettas in the stores for sale, they are typically around 2 years old already since it takes time for their full finnage to appear.

If a betta fish is 2 years old in human years how old is it in fish years?

A betta normally only lives 2-3 years, so it would be around 70 years old in "betta years".

Why is your betta changing colour?

Betta fish grow paler and less active when they are sick or old.

Does a nine month old betta fish have any teeth?

A nine month old betta is already full grown, so yes.

How old can a Betta fish live up to?

'I'm not 2 sure !

How old do betta fish live usually?

They can live up to 3 years.

What is the oldest Betta fish on record?

To the best of my knowledge no one keep those kind of records. Bettas are mature at 12 months, past their prime at 2 years old and ancient fish at 4 if they live that long. I have a Betta fish that is now over 5 years old because I change the water once a week with 2 gallons of purified water and I add about 20 drops of Splendid Betta Complete Water Conditioner to it. Using the water conditioner is a MUST to ensure that your Betta fish will live a very long life. I also feed my Betta fish 4 pellets of Hikari Betta Bio Gold once a day in the morning and 1 pellet at around 7pm.

How old was the oldest betta fighting fish?

No one knows. There have been no records kept.

How old does the betta fish female haft to be to lay eggs?

3-4 months.

Why does betta fish stink?

This maybe is because old rotted food is in your bettas water.

Will a big betta fish eat a one day old betta fish?

Most likely. I would wait until the little betta is around 3 cm (3/4 inch) Make sure the betta's are the different sex because two males will fight (often until death)