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well a boy really wouldn't be jealous of you he is probably going to be jeaalous of the person you are with ( a boy ) you could tell by if he is always staring at you two are trying to start probelms ,

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Q: How can you tell a boy is jelous of you?
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because she is jelous and cant get the guy..... just tell her to go suck a cow and she will get over it!

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Do things with the new person that you are with, which will result in him being jelous usually.

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he's just probably jelous that he didnt get you before the other guy did. that or he doesnt have anything better to do.

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Boys may not intentionally set out to make girls jealous. Jealousy can stem from insecurity, lack of communication, or misunderstandings in the relationship. It's important for both parties to communicate openly and honestly to address any feelings of jealousy.

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It will likely lead him to be jelous and mistrustful of you.

What should you do if you like a boy but your friend say you should not go out with him?

your friend is probably just jelous. go with what u think

What does it mean when a boy stares into your eyes all the time but when he is with some one he doesn't?

I t probably means he is dating her to get you jelous