

How can you tell baking powder is fresh?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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If you take a pinch of the baking powder and put it in water, it should fizzle. If it does not fizzle, it is no longer fresh.

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How long does baking power stay fresh?

For a good long time if it is kept properly stored. Here is a test you can use to make sure your baking powder is usable . Put water in a teaspoon and sprinkle a little bit of the baking powder in the water. If your baking powder is good the water will fizz sort of like a soda does. if you don't hear or see the fizz then baking powder is no good and should be tossed out.

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Your baking powder might be old. Check the date on the can or just buy some fresh.

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You tell me. What happens when you mix baking powder with vinegar

Is baking powder acid or base?

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