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You will need to observe the rooster to know if he is doing his job. There is no way to know if the eggs the hens are laying are fertile just by observing the egg. You could break one open and check for a germinal disc in the yolk but that does not mean eggs from other hens are fertile. Best way to check is start a clutch and check in 48 hours by candling.
No, the hen will not set on a clutch unless she is broody. She will walk away from the eggs, fertile or not until she decides it is time to brood. Not all chickens will brood a clutch of eggs.

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Q: How can you tell if a chicken egg is fertilized or not and will a hen automatically sit on it to hatch?
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Can you hatch a chicken from your refrigerator and if its a female?

No. The eggs in your refrigerator that your purchase form the grocery store are not fertilized. Eggs also need heat for the chick to form inside. Also, you cannot tell the gender of an egg.

Can you tell if a fertilized egg is going to hatch and if it is going to be male or female?

No, there is no way to tell what the gender of the chicken will be prior to hatch. If this were at all possible the hatcheries would certainly pay good money for the technology since male chickens are not wanted by egg producers and considered wastage by hatcheries who only raise layers.

How long before you can tell if they are going to hatch?

if you are referring to chicken eggs, the incubation period for chicken eggs is 21 days, but i would give them at least 26 days... If you are not sure if they are fertilized or not, then i would suggest purchessing an egg light, which is not an expencive endevour at all and is completely worth it!

How do you know if chicken egg is fertilized?

The one way you can tell if a chicken eggs is fertile is by holding a strong flash light behind it and if you see the embero it is fertile

How can you tell if it's a chicken egg or a eating egg?

All chicken eggs are eating eggs unless they have been fertilized and incubated. Even then some people eat them and they are call balut. But to answer your question, almost every egg you have eaten is from a chicken since the eggs of other birds are not usually available in stores.

Do hens have to mate to lay eggs?

No. You do not need a Rooster ( no such thing as a male chicken) to get a chicken to lay eggs. Eggs are produced based on daylight paterns. The rooseter is only needed if you want to fertilize the eggs.

How can you tell if the chicken egg is a baby?

The Farmer must "candle" the egg. Candling is shinning a bright light into the egg to see if the egg has been fertilized and if any changes are taking place inside the shell.

Is it OK to eat fertilized chicken eggs that have veins?

Yes. Most eggs purchased at local farms or in the organic food section of the grocery store are fertilized. It is almost impossible to tell that an egg has been fertilized unless that egg has been incubated. Eggs are collected and refrigerated within hours of being laid and therefore do not start forming the embryo. There is no difference in taste nor in quality between fertilized and unfertilized eggs.There are also some cultures (notably in southeast Asia) who eat partially formed eggs, either duck or chicken, and consider it a delicacy. In the Philippines, this is called balut.Yes

How do you know if your fertile?

well you see u can tell by seeing if it will hatch by putting it in a box at a 95 degree lamp facing the egg then 18 days later (maybe) u will here chirping and tapping if u don't keep waiting but after a week after 21 days it is not fertilized. so there u go, oh and p.s. there is a chance that an egg from the store can be fertilized! ;)

Can a chicken tell if their egg is going to hatch or not?

No. Only the fertilized eggs hatch. Eggs bought at the grocery store are not fertile and will never hatch. Even eggs that have been fertilized on the farm will only hatch if conditions are perfect and either set under a broody hen or artificially incubated. 21 days at 100.5 degrees F with a humidity of 50% or better are the ideal conditions for hatching.

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How can I tell is a buff Orpington chicken is male

How do you know if a parakeet is going to hatch eggs?

Noramally, is pretty difficult to determine wether the bird will lay eggs or not. But keep in mind if it's one bird, it wont hatch. It takes a female and male. Females can lay eggs on their own but it wont be fertilized. You could probably tell if the bird goes inside a nesting box (if she has one) often.