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Possums do not play dead. Opossums do.

A dead possum will just lie there, and death is obvious. As for an opossum - all its physiological functions slow down to an almost-stopped point, but it should still be slightly warm to the touch.

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Poke is with a stick! Poke it with a stick

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The way to tell if your ferret is really dead is that the body will feel cold and rigor mortis (stiffening of the body) will set in.

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Q: How can you tell if a dead squirrel had been poisoned?
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To tell if someone has been poisoned by dissecting someone, or autopsy in regards to humans, a doctor must first examine organs like the liver and stomach. These are likely to contain trace chemicals of things which might have poisioned someone.

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He's the one with the nuts!!

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When u start getting sick, then u start going to sleep but u never wake up, and when u r dead x_x

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How can you tell if Indian stick insects are poisoned?

Sadly, quite easily. A poisoned stick insect will start to lose co-ordination in its legs, lose grip on branches and will eventually become unable to walk and die. This usually takes a few days and sadly, there's not much you can do to save a stick insect that has been poisoned.

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The differences between a male and female gray squirrel are only visible from the underside of the squirrel. The male squirrel has testicles that are easily seen from below.

What are the consequences of getting food poisoning?

If the criminal is good at his job, it would be impossible to tell poisoned from non-poisoned food. The best way to tell is to have someone else try the food first, then see if they die. If they do die, it's probably poisoned.

How do you tell if a cat has been posioned why is it lethargic and drooling?

If you suspect a cat has been poisoned, take it to a vet immediately! Even a small amount of poisoning can be fatal to a cat if not taken care of as soon as possible.

How can you tell if a dog is poisoned?

One of the ways you can tell is by checking if its mouth is foaming. That's the only way I know

Can you tell oif someone is poisoned by arsenic?

you wiil became a god in the heaven!

How to tell if family member is being poisoned?

If you suspect this you should go to the police.