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how can you tell if a volcano going to erupt

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Q: How can you tell if a valcanoes going to erupt?
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Do volcanoes erupt yearly?

there r active valcanoes which erupt frequently,some valcanoes does not have any time period of eruption they can erupt at a gap of 50yrs or may be having a gap of 5 months,dormant valcanoes r valcanoes which lost their activity and do not erupt at all if u like my answer please recommend me

What volcano erupt the most?

the one that just had

How many valcanoes erupt every year?


What are the names of the exsisting valcanoes in California?

one of them is mammoth but that one can not erupt anymore

Why do super volcanoes erupt?

when i have sex the way the bed move makes the valcanoes mad so they erumt

Why do valcanoes erupt?

A volcano is formed by pressure building up below the Earth's crust. Magma forces it way through weaknesses in the earth's crust. When the magma emerges it is called lava. When it cools, it solidifies into rock,or it may emerge though thin cracks,which are called fissure.Or it may be forced though wider pipes,that starts to build up, to a volcano.

When are there earthquakes on Sims 2 Castaway?

either when u find beard beard treasure to much and after u discuvr it or the valcanoes erupt or u open the forge

What types of materials erupt from valcanoes?

magma and sedimentary rocks. :D as well as some of the molten rock around the volcano that break off as a result of the eruption.

How many times does a volcano erupt in its life?

There is no limit to how many times a volcano can erupt. Some volcanos erupt constantly and some volcanos are inactive.

What are valcanoes that no longer erupt called?

Volcanoes that no longer erupt are called extinct volcanoes. These volcanoes have not erupted in a long time and are not expected to erupt again in the future. They are considered to be dormant and have lost their ability to produce magma and release volcanic material.

How do you know there are volcanoes in Wisconsin?

the scientist have there very special instruments to find the volcanoes and you can tell when the volcano is going to erupt by: Rielly Krumbhloz

Under water volcano?

One of the most active areas for volcanoes found under the sea is known as Pacific Rim of Fire. This area has many volcanoes that could have a devastating effect if they erupt on areas including the Philippines.