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Q: How can you tell if energy is changing from one form to another?
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How can you tell if energy is changing?

look at the sun and it will tell you or you can look at the trees and the flies will tell you.

What form of energy is involved in heating?

you tell me

One form of energy changes to multiple other forms?

Yes. Since the law of conservation of energy states that energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to the other. For example (Physics wise) a ball descending down a slope is changing its GPE (gravitational potential energy ) into kinetic energy (KE) and heat energy. As you know energy law that is it can not be created it just changes it's form. Let me tell you example , During rain when clouds bombard on each other they form two types of energies 1.sound 2.Light. another example is , generation of electrical energy from water i hope you know process. During this process water energy is converted to electrical and further electrical energy is converted to light energy.

In what form is the energy released in this reaction?

In an exothermic reaction heat energy is released.

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tell me the anwser

What is the principle form of energy loss in most physical systems?

what is it ? plz tell me ? xoxo what is it ? plz tell me ? xoxo

Does add color to water tell about changing matter without changing its shape?

does add color to water tell about changing matter without changing its shape

What is matter and the law of conservation of matter?

The total amount of mass-energy in a closed system cannot change. Energy can change from one form to another, Mass can change from one form to another, Energy can change to Mass, or Mass can change to Energy; but the total must remain constant. Since Mass and Energy are traditionally measured in different units, we need a units conversion equation to tell us how much of each has changed to the other to get the equations right. Einstein provided us with that from his Special Relativity: E = Mc2

What evidence do scientists have that electron can move from one energy level to another?

It is a very simple observation to tell that an electron can drop from one energy level to another. Electrons always want to be at the lowest energy, but to get to allowed energy level they need to lose energy. Electrons release energy in the form of photons of the same amount of energy as the energy level change. We can observe the light released when we put energy into a system and match the energy of the light to steps an electron takes down the energy level.

Tell why sound which is a form of energy like light cannot travel at the speed of light?

Quite simply, the two things - being "a form of energy" and travelling at a speed of light - are completely unrelated. There are other forms of energy that don't travel at all, like potential energy.

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You tell them that love is not bound by race, religion, or any other form of stereotypes.

What does half-life tell about a radioisotope?

How long it takes for half of a sample to decay to another form.