

How can you tell if he want to break up?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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When he doesnt pay you any attention anymore,and starts acting funny towards you.

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Q: How can you tell if he want to break up?
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just tell him/her your reasons why you wanna break up. be firm if you really dont want to continue the relationship at all.

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Break ups are very hard to do. You just have to be honset with him and tell him how you feel. It may be hard, but you will hurt him even more if you lie to him

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If you want to know quickly ask them if they are wanting to break up with you. If they are they will be relieved that you have finally figured it out and will tell you 'yes'. If they are not wanting to break up with you they will tell you at that point why they have been acting the way they have and tell you sorry.

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explain it to them "why you dont want to brake up with your gf.... tell them why they what you to brake up with her if you had no choice,brake up with her if you dont love her

I don't know how to break up with my boyfriend?

You may not break-up with him because, there is still a feeling that you love him but then you want to erase him in your mind right? its easy..make a letter ( not e-mail OK ) and express your feelings for him and tell him how much you love him before..but at the end..tell him that you want to break-up with him..and i guess he would understand.