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I just wanted to say I am a child, and I gaurentee I am a psychic. I am only 11 years old but trust me psychic abilities are true. Here is how to know--- Think "Am I psychic?" With your eyes closed in a room with only calming music or natural sounds, but with some sort of sound, and natural light, like fire or sun. If you have a vibe, you may be psychic. (A vibe is when your body vibrates and then your head feels funny) Also, if you have the sound of a voice saying yes, it is even more likely!

However, if you are older than 25 and when you were a kid, your parents told you that sort of stuff wasn't real, even if you kept believing, you might not want to bother with this method. Instead, fall asleep early, wake up late focus on your dreams, and meditate to calming music. You may not be so lucky to regain all your abilities, you may not be lucky enough to get any back, but most likely you'll get some. I hope I helped!

Kaine6575: well techinically we all can use ESP telepathy telekinesis and manipulate energy and all that. anyone can. You dont need to born with it. You can just learn it by talking to other sorcercer's or psions. on forums

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Being Psychic Being Psychic isn't always "knowing" as it is "feeling". Psychics have the ability to "feel" thoughts, ideas, and emotions as well as "know" them. The hard part is putting these feelings into words and trying to connect what we feel to the physical world. Some psychics are much better at putting what they feel to words than others. Here are definitions of many different types of psychic abilities.

Empathy - The ability to feel other people's emotions.

Telepathy - The ability to read other people's thoughts and send them yours.

Clairvoyance - The ability to "see" beyond the regular senses; the "sixth sense".

Clairaudience - The ability to "hear" the thoughts of others as well as spirits.

Clairsentience - The ability to know about something happening in the past, present, or future through "feeling".

Channelling - The ability to receive information THROUGH a person from an outside source. A person who channels is often called a "Medium".

Precognition - The ability to see ahead into future events

Remote Viewing - The ability to see and describe people and places without being physically around them.

Psychokinesis - The ability to move something in the physical world with the power of the mind.

Automatic Writing - The ability to write through the subconscious mind, which can be sometimes guided through an outside source. This is my prefer method of

Divination, which of course is using psychic abilities to try and prophesize the future. It is also my preferred method of channelling. I enjoy writing out all the information I receive through channelling non physical entities.

One perspectiveHere is how to know--- Think "Am I psychic?" With your eyes closed in a room with only calming music or natural sounds, but with some sort of sound, and natural light, like fire or sun. If you have a vibe, you may be psychic. (A vibe is when your body vibrates and then your head feels funny) Also, if you have the sound of a voice saying yes, it is even more likely!

However, if you are older than 25 and when you were a kid, your parents told you that sort of stuff wasn't real, even if you kept believing, you might not want to bother with this method. Instead, fall asleep early, wake up late focus on your dreams, and meditate to calming music. You may not be so lucky to regain all your abilities, you may not be lucky enough to get any back, but most likely you'll get some. I hope I helped!

Here are more great answers from WikiAnswers' contributors:

  • When you can correctly foretell events, personal lives, make predictions, and read people.
  • Also, listen to your inner voice, intuition, discernment, prayers, daily signs, dreams, day visions, premonition, etc.
  • In terms of Chakras and Clair's: The Eye Chakra-clairvoyants, Ear Chakra-Clairaudient, Clairsentience,
  • In terms of Energy Chakras, this can make you psychic over time and practice.
  • The eight main chakras are: Root/Base/1st Chakra, Second/Seat of Soul, Third/Solar/Power Chakra, Heart/Fourth, Fifth/Throat Chakra, Third Eye/Sixth Chakra, Crown/Seventh Chakra, Eight/Aura Field.
  • We are known to have over 100 chakras in the body/Psychic Vortices.
  • It can take a while, but everyone can be psychic.
  • Some are extra psychic as children, but then lose it later in life. A life event such as sickness, workshop, class, or near death experience can trigger the Psychic path and daily connection.
  • Technically we all can use ESP telepathy telekinesis and manipulate energy and all that. anyone can. You dont need to born with it. You can just learn it by talking to other sorcerers or psions. on forums
  • Movies are not the same as reality and being psychic does not only mean you see into the past or future. There are many types and levels of strength of a psychic's power. And being psychic does not make you a freak as every human being has a psychic side to them, and sometimes are never aware of it.
  • There are many cases of unexplained visions, events, and intuition that are attributed to psychic abilities. Most cannot be proved or disproved.
  • We are all born psychic, some of us learn how to use it properly,others do not. And we are all psychic in different ways.
  • If you are a psychic (a sensitive) you will be able to define that. Do you have dreams that later come true (premonitions) Do you 'sense' the change in the atmosphere around you at times in different places (perhaps a drop in temperature) Do you see shadow people (when you turn to look at someone you saw out of 'the corner of your eye' to find no-one is there) All of these signs point toward you being a 'sensitive' (psychic) plus of course many others. If you do then perhaps look into the many different types of meditation, choose one that suits you and after a while you will find it easier to tune into your own natural abilities.
  • The best answer I've ever heard for this is "everyone is psychic just as everyone can sing. It's only on a scale from 1 - 10 how well one sings."
  • Allowing yourself to improve your ability of intuition, sensitivity or gut-feelings, eventually brings about the title of "psychic". Some start out very early in life with more ability than most. Look at your life and evaluate how many times you "know without knowing why". Has that never happened to you or is it a common occurrence?
  • There are numerous books you can read that take you step by step through a question/answer response to find out your abilities. Not all abilities are the same and abilities can be improved upon with practice.
How can you tell if someone else is psychic?
  • You can never know if someone else is psychic.
  • If a person is truly psychic, they should be able to make accurate observations without information from "normal" means. Their insights or counsel should be "on the mark" and helpful. Many trained therapists are psychic, while many psychics would make fine therapists.

There are many cases of unexplained visions, events, and intuition that are attributed to psychic abilities. Most cannot be proved or disproved.


We are all born psychic, some of us learn how to use it properly,others do not. And we are all psychic in different ways.

There are many cases of unexplained visions, events, and intuition that are attributed to psychic abilities. Most cannot be proved or disproved.

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