

How can you tell if someone is a true friend?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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You can't really tell. For example. The person I thought was my best friend, and I trusted her with everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. Blew that straight back in my face. She ignored me, then started ditching me, and the told others secrets I had told. Pretty stupid mistake on my part aye?

So i guess you've got to learn that, and just trust your judgment of the person, and hope you don't get hurt in the process. This may not have been any help, but yeah, I don't know how to explain it, as there is no real way of telling if they are a true friend

i too have been through this. just today accually. i came to school, thought everything was alright. i thought it was gunna be just another day at school. hang with my friends, stare at the guy i like. same old. but i got to school and nobody said hi to me. i thought they didnt see me at first but then i got in the classroom and they didnt say anything to me. i asked one of them to sit beside me n she said im already sitting beside breah. i thought nothing of it. then they sat together during every subject. they didnt invite me to sit. at recess, it was indoor so they stayed at their seats together and ditn talk to me at all. then last recess we went in the gym to play and they left me with 3 nerds while they spun together. at the end of the day they didnt say anything they just left. then i found out that breah told Jordan some lies about me and that's what made Jordan mad at me. so now i have no friends. before this all happended my life was just starting to get, i was gainging my social life back and i accually thought that life count get any better. well, i was right. it didnt get better it got worse. and all this happened over night. i have been through everything with these girls and it all got flushed down the toilet. i knew breah for 3 years so i didnt think that she would make up these lies about me. and i spend eveny Friday and Saturday with Jordan, we were even making it thursdays too, but it all happened over night, my life was ruined. so there is no such thing as true friends. if their is, they don't exist in this world

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