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If they care about you and they are always there for you. You can tell if there your BFF if they know what hurts you and what makes you happy. If they make fun of you, or they laugh at somthing that really hurt you, then there not your true Best Friend. But only you can figure out if there your Best Friend.

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Ask yourself this. . .

Are they there for you?

If someone makes you mad do they say something to that person?

Do they gossip about you?

Have they ever back stabbed you?

Do they make you laugh when you wanna cry?

Do they listen when you need someone to?

It is just basically your judgement of that perosn

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Q: How can you tell if someone is you're best friend?
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Yeah, a best friend is someone that you should feel comfortable with.

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well if you like your best friend then you should go out with him|her... but if you don't your best friend then you should tell him|her, that you are going out with someone already.

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When he tells your best friend, that he have's a crush on you.

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Tell them noob

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confidantA best friend

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You have to tell them

What is a true friend like?

A friend is someone who knows all your faults and loves you anyway. A friend will bail you out of jail. But a best friend will be sitting next to you saying "That was great!" Haha a best friend is someone who is always there for you and you do everything together and can tell them anything and trust them!!... A friend you get on best with!! :)