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you read the label

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Q: How can you tell if sour cream has gone off?
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Can eating bad smelling sour cream make you sick?

Yes because it would suggest it had gone off.

What do you think is the colour of sour cream?

off white

What does milk turn into if its gone off?

It will curdle and go sour

Can single or double cream be used in lemon cheesecake if i don't have sour cream to use?

you wont get the same taste from using double cream instead of sour cream and the consistency might be a bit off.

Can you use cream that has gone sour in cooking?

Only if it has been professionally fermented in proper conditions, wherein it turns to a popular spread known, unsurprisingly, as "Sour Cream." In any other case, it is highly dubious as to it's health, and should be avoided to stave off indigestion, sickness, or other ill health.

How can you tell if an aubergine has gone off?

If the skin has gone wrinkley and very soft

How can you tell if cream cheese has spoiled?

Cream cheese will turn green when it is spoiled. It is not like cheddar cheese when it turns green. You can cut off the mold on cheddar and the rest will be fine to eat. Not cream cheese. Once mold has formed, it is best to throw out all the pack.

What happens to refrigerated expired heavy cream?

When heavy cream expires (refrigerated or not, although it will generally keep longer in the refrigerator due to the cooler temperatures), it will go sour. This can be anywhere from discoloring, usually to an off-yellow color, to a rotting or sour smell, and - eventually - congealing and hardening into clumps.

Can you use cream cheese instead of sour cream in a corn cassorole?

You can , but I have tried it and it did not taste good at all. If you want to you can try, by adding it near the end mixing it in and pulling hte potatoes off.

How do you tell muscles have gone off?

you talk to them like you talk to your puppy

What to use instead of sour cream or yogurt when a recipe as for it?

You failed to provide enough information to properly answer your question. It depends on what you're intending to make. I see your category is listed under poultry. If that's what you're intending to make, the simplest answer to your question would be sour cream. Just be sure to add it last or just before serving so that the sour cream doesn't curdle...the general rule is to take it off the heat BEFORE it reaches a boil. Or another idea would be a can of "cream of" soup (cream of mushroom, cream of broccoli, cream of chicken, etc.). This way you can add less salt and it's a safer choice if you don't want to risk curdling the sour cream or if adding the right seasoning is guesswork or is a hassle for you.

Can ricotta cheese be frozen?

Milk & slice / bulk cheese freezes well, sour cream doesn't. The first two are fine taste & consistency-wise, sour cream was way off on both bases. IMHO I wouldn't think ricotta / cottage cheese would freeze well bc of this. Looks like its time to make lasagna for you!