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Most people can not tell if you have any symptoms of the common cold you should see your doctor to see if it is Swine Flu or not.

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Q: How can you tell if what you have got is Swine Flu or just a common cold?
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Do they tell you right away if you have the Swine Flu?

No, it takes about 4 days before doctors can tell if you have Swine Flu.

Why are doctors important?

If you ever get sick, you will know why they are important. If you get sick they can tell you if you are in serious trouble or have just the common cold. They know if you are healthy or not and they can prescribe medicine or sew up cuts.

If you have a nasty cough and a throbbing headache and dihorea do you have swine flu?

Probably not. While it is possible, you could easily just have a cold, regualr flu, allergies, or some other common virus.Well, it depends.. It could be just a cold, regular flu, allergies or some other virus, but since swine flu is very popular nowdays, it would be nice to check..

How can you tell that your dog is getting a cold?

common symptoms are shaking, breathing strangely,and sneezing.

How can I tell the difference between the flu and just a cold?

Usually with a cold there is no fever, and your symptoms may be similar to common allergies- runny nose, congestion etc. But you can die from the flu. You may have severe body aches, diarrhea and vomiting.

What kind of cough tell you you have the Swine Flu?

The kind of cough is not diagnostic of Swine Flu. The swine flu has many of the same symptoms as the regular flu. You cannot tell by the type of cough what type of flu you have. Your doctor cannot even tell that. If you are displaying actual flu symptoms, your doctor can order a laboratory test to confirm or rule out the swine flu. That is the only way to receive a proper diagnosis to which flu subtype you may or may not have. See the related question below for a more detailed description of the symptoms of swine flu.

If you have a sore throat one day then a cough with the sore throat the next day then start sneezing the next day after that and then produce a watery runny nose today do you have the swine flu?

You may have any type of flu, not just H1N1/09 "swine flu" or it could just be the common cold. Usually, the flu causes very achy muscles, a feeling that things just aren't right, and you feel tired, more so than the common cold. Also, the flu usually causes a fever that is above 101F, colds usually only have fevers under 101F. See the related question below for more information of the difference between colds and the flu. Swine flu has typical flu symptoms, so you won't be able to tell if it is that type of flu or another without specific lab testing that is usually not done unless you require hospital care. Specimens must be sent off to the CDC labs to have them tested to confirm "swine flu". There are field lab tests that prove that what you have is a type of flu, but they don't specify which type. The treatment is the same for any type of influenza, so most doctors are diagnosing based on the symptoms and on the absence or presence of the H1N1/09 virus in the area.

If someone has Swine Flu what should you do?

Go to the doctors, they should tell you what you should do, and what you shouldnt.

How you know if you have the Swine Flu or not?

The only way to know for sure that it is the H1N1/09 (swine flu) is to have lab testing. Otherwise you can only tell by symptoms which are virtually the same as regular flu. See the related question for information about the symptoms of swine flu.

Do schools have to tell other parents if someone in the class is away with Swine Flu?

There is no requirement in the United States for any school to tell parents of other children if a student is out of school due to swine flu. To tell anyone the cause of a student's absence would be to violate privacy rules and regulations.

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Can't tell if trolling or just stupid

How can you tell if you have the Swine Flu?

Here are some common signs and symptoms of swine flu among human beings:High fever (above 37 degrees Celsius)Sore throat, sneezing, and a runny noseCoughing and other breathing difficultiesNausea, vomiting, and diarrheaGeneral aches and pains worse than with a coldLoss of appetite, drowsiness, and sleepinessBut the only way to know for sure if it is the pandemic swine flu H1N1/09 is to have a lab test done. For more information about what you should do if you think you may have the swine flu, see the related questions below.