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This is a vague question but I will answer as best I can. Vaginal yeast infections are commonly associated with itching, burning, odor and a cottage cheese like discharge known as thrush. Intestinal yeast infections are somewhat more difficult to detect, with rectal thrush being a leading indicator. Any yeast infection left untreated can be dangerous. Unchecked, yeast can develop root-like structures known as rhizomes which can penetrate tissue, such as the vaginal or intestinal wall, and allow the candida to enter the bloodstream. Once the yeast becomes systemic, it can attack any organ in the body. There are tests that can be run, and an over-the counter test can be had from most drug stores for vaginal infections. While yeast infections can be difficult to treat, there are prescription, over the counter and holistic treatments that may help.

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Q: How can you tell if you have a vaginal yeast infection or intestinal yeast infection?
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Can vaginal yeast infection be treated with cream?

You really shouldn't have vaginal intercourse until your yeast infection is completely cleared up. Switch to oral and/or anal sex until then. Tell your boyfriend why, I'm sure he'll understand.

What kind of an infection is a yeast infection?

A vaginal yeast infection is a type of vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina - characterized by vaginal irritation, intense itchiness and vaginal discharge. A vaginal yeast infection affects your vagina and the tissues at the opening to your vagina (vulva). Vaginal yeast infection - also called vaginal candidiasis - is very common. As many as 3 out of 4 women experience a yeast infection at some point in their lifetimes. Many women experience two or more yeast infections.What are vaginla yeast infection symtpoms?Yeast infection symptoms can range from mild to moderate and include:- Itching and irritation in the vagina and at the entrance to the vagina (vulva)- A burning sensation, especially during intercourse or while urinating- Redness and swelling of the vulva- Vaginal pain and soreness- Thick, white, odor-free vaginal discharge with a cottage cheese appearanceAnd yeast infection could be cured by herbal medicine "fuyan pill".

What is the difference between vaginal discharge and yeast infection?

Vaginal Discharge is what all woman get nearly all the time! This is to keep the vagina healthy, if we did not discharge, a vagina would become very dry and this could lead to soreness, it also can keep the vagina clean. However there is a difference between vaginal discharge and a yeast infection. A yeast infection in the genital area is a build up of yeast, everyone has yeast but it occurs when there is too much of it. There is an excessive amount of discharge which sometimes can look a little like cottage cheese and can also have a foul smelling odour, a yeast infection can also be very itchy and sore. You can tell these two things apart very easily, but if you are not sure if you have a yeast infection please consult your doctor who will perform some simple tests I hope this helps

How can you tell if you have yeast infection in your kidneys?

Go to a doctor

What does it mean to have really thick vaginal discharge?

The presentation of thick, white, sometimes lumpy vaginal discharge is usually considered a yeast infection. Yeast infections are common, and do not mean that you are unclean. They simply are a result of an excess of bacteria that are normally present in the vagina which have overgrown and multiplied. The bacteria thrive on a moist, warm environment. Wearing cotton underwear will help keep the area cooler, but will not make the infection go away. You must see your doctor, who will take a swab and tell you weather or not you have a yeast infection. Rarely these symptoms are a sign of other problems, but the yeast infection itself can be treated easily, once diagnosed, by an over-the-counter medication.

Do doctors know exactally how you got a yeast infection?

No unless you tell them.

How do you tell your mom that you have a yeast infection?

You simply approach her and tell her. Its nothing to worry about, every girl has chances of getting a yeast infection and it is not necessarily sexual infected. So, don't be scared get help soon before it results into a serious fungal infection.

How do you tell when you have a yeast infection?

The number one sign of a yeast infection is itchiness. Normally you will have itching (that gets more severe at night), an odor, and a discharge. That is the norm; some women have yeast infections and may not have any symptoms. More importantly, those three symptoms can also be symptoms for other more serious conditions like chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trich. It is best to get a vaginal exam whenever you have any change in your vaginal area. Buying over the counter medication for what you 'think' may be a yeast infection can just mask over a more serious condition. Make an appointment to see a GYN as soon as possible, and remember the health department offers free exams.

Is there a way to tell if a romantic partner has a yeast infection?

Most of the symptoms of a yeast infection will only be noticed by the woman. These symptoms include itching, burning, soreness, and possibly a discharge.

How can you tell your mum you have vaginal discharge?

Just tell her. It can be a yeast infection if it is thick, white, and itchy. If it has these symptoms you can buy an over the counter cream to get rid of it. Or it can be part of your cycle. Often women just before their period will have a discharge and this is very normal. Tell her, she will ask you questions about it, and know what to do. If you are not sexually active you are NOT pregnant.

Can you tell me what treatment I will need to treat a yeast infection?

You can use antifungal creams and gels, or you can take antifungal tablets. You just swallow those and they should surely fix your yeast infection in no time.

How do you distinguish yeast from cervical fluid?

a yeast infection is most of the time itchy and sometimes smelly, if you are reallym intune to your body you can tell the difference between your regular smell and the yeast smell.